A sister company to Craters & Freighters, Craters & Freighters Global Logistics 与那些遍布全球的组织合作,这些组织需要一个具有全球影响力和计划和监督复杂物流能力的包装和运输供应商的帮助. 事实上,我们的全球物流团队可以促进供应链解决方案进出全球任何地方,这比以往任何时候都更加重要.

我们的团队提供的集中项目管理充分利用了数十年的运输和后勤支持经验以及遍布美国的联系网络.S. and around the world. Whatever a shipment contains and wherever it needs to go, 我们能够提供见解和帮助,以确保无缝对接, stress-free shipping process.

Who Uses Craters & Freighters Global Logistics?

Craters & Freighters Global Logistics为有独特运输需求的公司提供服务. This may include factors like the frequency, international points of origin and/or destination, type of cargo, cargo value and overall complexity of their shipments.


  • A multinational software company with locations worldwide
  • A large internet search engine company
  • A major international manufacturing company
  • A worldwide e-commerce leader

我们的运输专家可以在一个简短的谈话中确定是否全球赌博十大网站的服务 & Freighters or Craters & Freighters Global Logistics are right for your organization.

stacked containers


Craters & Freighters Global Logistics提供礼宾级服务,使美国的公司受益.S. and around the world in many ways. Some of the most important are:

  1. Streamlined single-source crating and packaging. 如果您必须使用多个提供者来正确处理发货中不同类型的项目, a complex shipment can very quickly get even more so. By contrast, 当你与一个可以打包从普通办公用品到尖端技术的供应商合作时, your complicated project just got simpler. 虽然我们多年来发展起来的直觉在我们开发的任何包装和运输策略中都发挥着作用, our methods are firmly grounded in science. 我们的员工中有包装工程师,他们负责设计板条箱以及将放入其中的物品的阻挡和支撑策略. We don’t hope an asset will survive its journey—we ensure it will.
  2. Centralized project management for full visibility. 如果您过去曾协调过复杂的运输项目——特别是从海外目的地出发或抵达的货物——您就会知道,没有关于货物每个部件状态的现成信息是非常不舒服的. 我们的服务包括由专业人士进行细心的项目管理,他们确切地了解每个集装箱或物品如何从原产地到目的地,并可以在通知的瞬间告诉您资产在其旅程中的位置.
  3. A “can do” attitude and commitment to continuous improvement. Craters & Freighters essentially created the niche of specialty crating, packaging and shipping more than three decades ago. In our 30 years of work with clients in the U.S. and abroad, 我们的任务是运送任何企业或个人想要运送的东西. 这段经历给了我们信心,让我们可以接手任何项目. And, despite all of our expertise, 我们一直在寻找更好的方法来满足客户不断变化的需求.
  4. Worldwide white-glove service for maximum asset protection. 这是一个有点陈词滥调说,我们对待每一个项目,我们的船,如果它是我们自己的,但这是真的. Every Craters & Freighters Global Logistics团队成员明白,在处理客户项目时,他们的首要任务是确保项目得到仔细处理. Timely delivery and other metrics are important to us, too, of course. But if an item isn’t properly packaged and crated, and consequently suffers damage during its trek, it doesn’t matter that it arrived on schedule.
  5. Problem resolution by vocal advocates to keep shipments moving. 货运——尤其是国际货运——在途中遇到挑战并不罕见. 无论是不明白什么是创新设备的检查员,还是要求澄清所需表格上信息的海关官员, 我们的团队会为您处理这个问题,这样您就可以专注于其他任务.
  6. An efficient three-step process for initiating a shipping project. On our side, 每个项目都需要许多人熟练地协调工作, often at locations in several countries. From your perspective, however, a project is as simple as 1) You contact us to discuss your needs, 2)我们使用您提供的信息为您的项目开发推荐方法并提供报价, and 3) With your approval, we package, crate and ship the item, monitoring its progress every step of the way.
  7. The reassurance of a collaborative approach. 当我们努力把行动项目从你的盘子里拿出来,把压力从你的工作日里拿出来的时候, 我们这样做的方式是重视您的投入,并随时通知您项目的进展情况. Our goal is to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. There’s no value in impressing you with our self-sufficiency, 特别是如果它让你担心我们是否履行了对你的承诺,这样你就能实现你的商业目标.

crane moving container

Beyond Careful Handling: Cargo Insurance to Protect Your Valuables

Even when an item is packaged, crated and handled as carefully as possible, 有任何供应商无法控制的力量可能导致货物损坏. Craters & 货运全球物流可以帮助保护您免受货物保险事件的财务影响,以覆盖您的贵重物品.

由于我们多年来的索赔比率非常低,所以我们的客户可以获得这种保险. 这是一个独特的项目,很少有其他的制造和运输公司可以提供, with coverage that spans the entire time an asset is in our care, including pickup, packaging and transit to its final destination.

如果您对我们的货物保险计划以及它如何保护您有疑问的话, we’re happy to answer them.

Craters & 货运全球物流:让您的公司更容易进入世界

从技术上讲,我们的工作是协助运送你的资产. However, 我们的全球物流团队最终提供的是您需要的灵活性,将资产转移到需要的地方, whenever they’re needed—anywhere on the planet. 我们的经验表明,企业可以利用这种灵活性在行业中获得竞争优势.

To learn more about our services, contact us today.